Frank Tidwell – Plainfield, NJ
Position Charge: Roles an responsibilities of the office of Regional Director. Per section 15 of the IABPFF Constitution and Bylaws. The Regional Directors shall serve as representatives of the IABPFF in their respective regions and are empowered and charged with the responsibility to advise local associations and members regarding International policies and procedures.
He or She shall:
- Enforce the IABPFF Constitution and By-Laws in the Region in which He or She is director;
- Stimulate growth and development in the Region, encourage the chapters in the achievement of the IABPFF goals and carry on regional correspondence and communications with chapters in the region through letters, newsletters and / or other appropriate means;
- Assist and advise the chapters in the region
- Serve as the presiding officer at meetings of the Regional Conference; Appoint a Regional Board as necessary to serve for the term;
- Investigate applications for the establishment of a new IABPFF chapter and make recommendations to the IABPFF Executive Board;
- Report to the IABPFF Executive Board on activities of the office;
- Shall appoint a Parliamentarian(s)if necessary for Regional meetings and Conferences;
- Shall appoint state representatives to assist with recruiting efforts of the IABPFF;
- Work directly with the IABPFF Vice President on training.
- They shall perform all other duties delegated to them by the International President. The Regional Directors shall chair one (1) regional meeting each year.