Gary Tinney
Specific Challenges and Opportunities
This committee’s major activity would be to investigate any actions which could be detrimental to the members. Their-findings and facts would be turned over to the Affirmatlve Action Committee for final resolve or possible legal action. All legal actions would originate from the Regional Headquarters, since this will be where legal data and staff attorneys would be best located.
This committee’s function is very critical, since the base data for each case should be complete and accurate.
Another major function of this group would be to investigate any internal
problems which could produce problems in the Region or Chapter from reaching its’ desired goals.
Each Chapter should have the ability to investigate any actions internally or
externally which, in any way, affects the Chapters membership. In many instances, investigations of problems have not been carried out by some
Departments or the investigations were only a method to “white wash” a given problem.
Each Chapter should have the ‘ability to conduct an objective investigation
independent of any other on-going investigation. This holds true to any and all problems facing out membership or the Chapter as a whole.
The Internal Affairs Committee would report its’ investigation findings to the Chapter President.
The Chapter Internal Affairs Committee Chairperson would be required to meet once per quarter with the Chairperson of each Internal Affairs Committee, which is the make up of the Regional Internal Affairs Committee.
This Regional lnternal Affairs Committee shall elect Officers including the
Regional Internal Affairs Chairperson. Twice per year each Regional Internal Affairs Chairperson shall meet with all Regional Internal Affairs Chairpersons under the direction of the Vice President of Internal Affairs IABPFF who shall be an appointee of the President of the IABPFF.