PREAMBLE: Whereas we, Black Fire Fighters, aware of the increasing complexity of our problems and those of our Brothers and Sisters within the community, feel called upon to form an organization for the purpose of studying and solving such problems; in order to take our place in the vanguard of civilization, we hereby form ourselves into an organization for the purpose of cultivating and maintaining professional competence among fire fighters, and establishment of unity, also keeping alive the interest among retired members for the avowed purpose of improving the social status of our RACE, and increasing professional efficiency.
PURPOSE & AIMS:To create a liaison between our Black Brothers and Sisters throughout the globe, to collect and evaluate data on all deleterious conditions incumbent in all areas where minorities exist, and to compile information concerning the injustices that exist in the application of working conditions in the Fire Service, and implement action to correct them. To promote interracial progress throughout the Fire Service, and to see that competent Blacks are recruited and employed as fire fighters, where ever they reside, and to aid in motivating our Black Brothers and Sisters to seek advancement to elevated ranks throughout the Fire Service.
MEMBERSHIP: The members of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS, Inc. shall comprise those who are paid professional fire fighters in a Black Fire Fighting Organization, and that organization is a member of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS, Inc. This organization may admit to membership Black professional fire fighting individuals where no local association within the International exists. In addition to the above described membership, the following classes of non-voting memberships shall be established: A) students, B) corporate, C) associate, D) honorary. (August 1998) Lifetime Members. A member in good standing in their local chapter who retires from active duty (fire service) August 1998) Reference information on membership from: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS, Inc. CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS AND POLICIES ORGANIZED OCTOBER 2, 1970 IN THE CITY OF HARTFORD, CONN. AS UPDATED FEBRUARY 1988 AS AMENDED, SEPTEMBER 1, 1988 THEODORE O. HOLMES, PRESIDENT ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP Section 1. The Membership of the “INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS, Inc.” shall comprise those who are paid fire service professionals in a bona fide Black Fire Fighting organization, and that organization is a member of the “INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS, Inc.”. Section 2. This organization may admit to membership, individual fire service professionals wherein no local association exists. Section 3. In addition to the above described membership in sections 1 & 2, the following classes of non-voting memberships shall be established: A) students, B) corporate, C) associate, D) honorary. (August 1998) Section 4. Good Standing. Good Standing shall be defined as being current in all dues, and/or assessments, and not under suspension for any infraction of the Constitution and by-laws of the IABPFF. (August 1998) Section 5. All organizations and individual members in good standing shall be permitted to attend all appropriate meetings, vote and participate in the business matter concerning the IABPFF. Section 6. Lifetime Members. A member in good standing in their local chapter who retires from active duty (fire service) shall pay a one-time membership fee of $350.00 to the IABPFF. No other dues shall be levied. (August 1998) Section 7. Monies collected by the local chapter shall be forwarded to the IABPFF with the annual membership roster. A separate roster listing Lifetime Members shall be forwarded also. The IABPFF shall keep a separate file of lifetime Members.