Membership Level change

You have selected the Lifetime Member membership level.

Lifetime Members. A member in good standing for at least 51% of their fire service as confirmed by the local association President or in the case of an individual member where no local association exist, confirmed by the Regional Director; retired from active duty (fire service); pays a onetime membership fee of $250.00 to the IABPFF shall be granted lifetime membership status. No other IABPFF dues shall be levied. Persons found to have bypassed the required service commitment to the local association shall be purged from Lifetime Membership file. Any disabled member in good standing shall be exempt from all requirements of service and fees.

If you have already renewed your membership and paid your dues, hit the Select button to the right to request website access. If you need to renew your membership or become a member then complete the membership form, HERE

Membership expires on March 1, 2025.

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For retirees, put department worked for

For Individual or Life members