=== Wordpress File Upload === Contributors: nickboss Donate link: http://www.iptanus.com/support/wordpress-file-upload Tags: file, upload, ajax, form, page, post, sidebar, responsive, widget, webcam, ftp Requires at least: 2.9.2 Tested up to: 6.3.2 Stable tag: "trunk" License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Simple yet very powerful plugin to allow users to upload files to your website from any page, post or sidebar and manage the uploaded files == Description == With this plugin you or other users can upload files to your site from any page, post or sidebar easily and securely. Simply put the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload] to the contents of any WordPress page / post or add the plugin's widget in any sidebar and you will be able to upload files to any directory inside wp-contents of your WordPress site. You can add custom fields to submit additional data together with the uploaded file. You can use it to capture screenshots or video from your webcam and upload it to the website (for browsers that support this feature). You can even use it as a simple contact (or any other type of) form to submit data without including a file. The plugin displays the list of uploaded files in a separate top-level menu in Dashboard and includes a file browser to access and manage the uploaded files (only for admins currently). Several filters and actions before and after file upload enable extension of its capabilities. The characteristics of the plugin are: * It uses the latest HTML5 technology, however it will also work with old browsers and mobile phones. * It provides a nice upload form using Material UI React components. * It is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. * It can be added in posts, pages or sidebars (as a widget). * It can capture and upload screenshots or video from the device's camera. * It supports additional form fields (like checkboxes, text fields, email fields, dropdown lists etc). * It can be used as a simple contact form to submit data (a selection of file can be optional). * It produces notification messages and e-mails. * It supports selection of destination folder from a list of subfolders. * Upload progress can be monitored with a progress bar. * Upload process can be cancelled at any time. * It supports redirection to another url after successful upload. * There can be more than one instances of the shortcode in the same page or post. * Uploaded files can be added to Media or be attached to the current page. * Uploaded files can be saved to an FTP location (ftp and sftp protocols supported). * It is highly customizable with many (more than 50) options. * It supports filters and actions before and after file upload. * It contains a visual editor for customizing the plugin easily without any knowledge of shortcodes or programming * It supports logging of upload events or management of files, which can be viewed by admins through the Dashboard. * It includes an Uploaded Files top-level menu item in the Dashboard, from where admins can view the uploaded files. * It includes a file browser in the Dashboard, from where admins can manage the files. * It supports multilingual characters and localization. The plugin is translated in the following languages: * Portuguese, kindly provided by Rui Alao * German * French, kindly provided by Thomas Bastide of http://www.omicronn.fr/ and improved by other contributors * Serbian, kindly provided by Andrijana Nikolic of http://webhostinggeeks.com/ * Dutch, kindly provided by Ruben Heynderycx * Chinese, kindly provided by Yingjun Li * Spanish, kindly provided by Marton * Italian, kindly provided by Enrico Marcolini https://www.marcuz.it/ * Polish * Swedish, kindly provided by Leif Persson * Persian, kindly provided by Shahriyar Modami http://chabokgroup.com * Greek Please note that old desktop browsers or mobile browsers may not support all of the above functionalities. In order to get full functionality use the latest versions browsers, supporting HTML5, AJAX and CSS3. For additional features, such as multiple file upload, very large file upload, drag and drop of files, captcha, detailed upload progress bars, list of uploaded files, image gallery and custom css please consider [Wordpress File Upload Professional](http://www.iptanus.com/support/wordpress-file-upload/ "Wordpress File Upload support page"). Please visit the **Other Notes** section for customization options of this plugin. == Installation == 1. First install the plugin using Wordpress auto-installer or download the .zip file from wordpress.org and install it from the Plugins section of your Dashboard or copy wordpress_file_upload directory inside wp-contents/plugins directory of your wordpress site. 1. Activate the plugin from Plugins section of your Dashboard. 1. In order to use the plugin simply go to the Dashboard / Settings / Wordpress File Upload and follow the instructions in Plugin Instances or alternatively put the shortcode [wordpress_file_upload] in the contents of any page. 1. Open the page on your browser and you will see the upload form. 1. You can change the upload directory or any other settings easily by pressing the small edit button found at the left-top corner of the upload form. A new window (or tab) with pop up with plugin options. If you do not see the new window, adjust your browser settings to allow pop-up windows. 1. Full documentation about the plugin options can be found at https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-file-upload/other_notes/ or at http://www.iptanus.com/wordpress-plugins/wordpress-file-upload/ (including the Pro version) A getting started guide can be found at http://www.iptanus.com/getting-started-with-wordpress-file-upload-plugin/ == Frequently Asked Questions == = Will the plugin work in a mobile browser? = Yes, the plugins will work in most mobile phones (has been tested in iOS, Android and Symbian browsers as well as Opera Mobile) = Do I need to have Flash to use then plugin? = No, you do not need Flash to use the plugin. = I get a SAFE MODE restriction error when I try to upload a file. Is there an alternative? = Your domain has probably turned SAFE MODE ON and you have restrictions uploading and accessing files. Wordpress File Upload includes an alternative way to upload files, using FTP access. Simply add the attribute **accessmethod="ftp"** inside the shortcode, together with FTP access information in **ftpinfo** attribute. = Can I see the progress of the upload? = Yes, you can see the progress of the upload. During uploading a progress bar will appear showing progress info, however this functionality functions only in browsers supporting HTML5 upload progress bar. = Can I upload many files at the same time? = Yes, but not in the free version. If you want to allow multiple file uploads, please consider the [Professional](http://www.iptanus.com/support/wordpress-file-upload/ "Wordpress File Upload support page") version. = Where do files go after upload? = Files by default are uploaded inside wp-content directory of your Wordpress website. To change it use attribute uploadpath. = Can I see and download the uploaded files? = Administrators can view all uploaded files together with associated field data from the plugin's Settings in Dashboard. The [Professional](http://www.iptanus.com/support/wordpress-file-upload/ "Wordpress File Upload support page") version of the plugin allows users to view their uploaded files, either from the Dashboard, or from a page or post. = Are there filters to restrict uploaded content? = Yes, you can control allowed file size and file extensions by using the appropriate attribute (see Other Notes section). = Are there any upload file size limitations? = Yes, there are file size limitations imposed by the web server or the host. If you want to upload very large files, please consider the [Professional](http://www.iptanus.com/support/wordpress-file-upload/ "Wordpress File Upload support page") version of the plugin, which surpasses size limitations. = Who can upload files? = By default all users can upload files. You can define which user roles are allowed to upload files. Even guests can be allowed to upload files. If you want to allow only specific users to upload files, then please consider the [Professional](http://www.iptanus.com/support/wordpress-file-upload/ "Wordpress File Upload support page") version of the plugin. = What security is used for uploading files? = The plugin is designed not to expose website sensitive information. It has been tested by experts and verified that protects against CSRF and XSS attacks. All parameters passing from server to client side are encoded and sanitized. For higher protection, like use of captcha, please consider the [Professional](http://www.iptanus.com/support/wordpress-file-upload/ "Wordpress File Upload support page") version of the plugin. = What happens if connection is lost during a file upload? = In the free version the upload will fail. However in the Pro version the upload will resume and will continue until the file is fully uploaded. This is especially useful when uploading very large files. = The plugin does not look nice with my theme. What can I do? = There is an option in plugin's settings in Dashboard to relax the CSS rules, so that buttons and text boxes inherit the theme's styles. If additional styling is required, this can be done using CSS. The Professional version of the plugin allows CSS rules to be embed in the shortcode. == Screenshots == 1. A screenshot of the plugin in its most simple form. 2. A screenshot of the plugin showing the progress bar. 3. A screenshot of the plugin showing the successful upload message. 4. A screenshot of the plugin with additional form fields. 5. A screenshot of the plugin with subfolder selection. 6. A screenshot of the plugin in a sidebar. 7. A screenshot of the shortcode composer. 8. A screenshot of the file browser. == Changelog == = 4.24.0 = * verified compatibility with Wordpress version 6.3.2 = 4.23.3 = * added response header information in wfu_get_request() and wfu_post_request() functions * fixed security issue that could allow users with admin access to perform XSS attacks through the redirect link attribute = 4.23.2 = * verified compatibility with Wordpress version 6.3.1 = 4.23.1 = * corrected compatibility issue with Divi Theme Builder = 4.23.0 = * added Home Domain information in Main tab of Dashboard area of the plugin * corrected bug where and templates were not placed correctly inside the shadow DOM * added _wfu_file_upload_output_inner filter for customizing inner upload form HTML before it is processed by the templating system = 4.22.2 = * updated vendor libraries = 4.22.1 = * fixed bug in wfu_webcam_update_preview() function that was breaking upload form when uploadid was greater than 1 = 4.22.0 = * added webcamselfile attribute in upload form shortcode so that webcam can work in parallel with file selection * added webcamswitch attribute in upload form shortcode to enable/disable camera switch button in webcam * added WFU_WEBCAMSWITCHMODE advanced variable attribute that defines the camera switch mode, 'side' for switching between front and rear cameras, 'device' for switching between available video devices * added WFU_MEDIARECORDER_MIMETYPE advanced variable attribute that defines a specific MIME type for webcam MediaRecorder * added webcambg attribute that defines the background color of the webcam capture box * webcam video width and height changed so that they correspond to ideal resolution of the camera * webcam capture feature improved so that screenshots have the camera's resolution * webcam playback of recorded video is now working on iOS devices * added extended support of webcam feature for mobile devices * several other code improvements in webcam feature * correction of bugs related to wfuca_update_option() function in alternative Iptanus server = 4.21.7 = * fixed bug in wfu_exclude_notifications_from_comments() which crashes the website when Woocommerce is present = 4.21.6 = * improved webcam operation on iOS devices * code modifications to hide WFU admin notifications from Comments Dashboard menu page = 4.21.5 = * added Themes tab in upload form visual editor to select a theme * added MaterialUI theme in upload form * added upload form attributes to define basic colors and dark mode in Material UI theme * added color picker with transparency in plugin's visual editor * fixed small bug with time indication in webcam feature of the upload form = 4.20.0 = * added Notifications tab in Dashboard area of the plugin = 4.19.2 = * codes improvements in plugin settings to protect against XSS attacks * code improvements in backend file browser to avoid directory traversal attacks * permanent fix for compatibility with block themes = 4.19.1 = * updated vendor libraries to their latest version * added logging of start and end time in uploader metrics * added userdata in wfu_before_upload filter * fixed bugs when uploading in classic HTML forms mode = 4.19.0 = * added compatibility with block themes * added shortcode attribute blockcompatibility for controlling block theme compatibility = 4.18.1 = * fixed compatibility issues with PHP 8.1 or higher * changed uploadform logic so that CSS pseudoselectors for Select File button work = 4.18.0 = * minor bug fixes = 4.17.0 = * minor bug fixes = 4.16.4 = * sanitized page title in all places where it is retrieved to avoid XSS attacks = 4.16.3 = * improved sanitization and escaping of shortcode attributes to avoid XSS attacks * file type .svg moved to blacklist to avoid XSS attacks coming from scripts inside SVG files * added security check to forbid uploads inside wp-content/plugin directory * improved handling of videoname and imagename file uploader shortcode attributes to avoid directory traversal attacks * improved /lib and /extensions loader to avoid arbitrary code execution through injected image files * all wfu_blocks.php functions became redeclareable = 4.16.2 = * minor bug fixes in Pro version = 4.16.1 = * corrected $_SESSION variable problem in maintenance purge function = 4.16.0 = * visual editor edit button misalignment fixed * corrected echo problem when recording from webcam with sound = 4.15.0 = * COOKIEHASH bug corrected * credentials in FTP paths are stripped from the paths * corrected File Detais to File Details * regex "/