Upward Mobility
Sylvia Brown

Specific Challenges and Opportunities

This committee’s main function is career planning of the membership, looking toward the future and developing a plan of action to make sure that under present promotional criteria in use within each department, our membership is developing in the maximum numbers. Also candidates with the proper credentials are preparing for promotional opportunities.

Without a well planned program within each chapter, we will develop peaks and valleys of potential candidates.

A total career development plan of action is a vital part of the services offered by the Association. It is difficult to make accurate predictions as to the upward mobility opportunities of our membership without the data base requested under the Affirmative Action Committee.

Informed projections as to the career paths necessary for our membership can only be done after the peaks and valleys of promotional opportunities have been charted over a period of years.

The reason we have not been successful in moving our membership up into upper level positions is that we have set our goals in too short of terms.

Our opposition sets their promotional goals in long range terms and guess which plan works. Even more important is that our membership came into this profession, in numbers, during the 1970-80’s. This will mean that most of our members, in numbers, are at or about mid career; this can be a dangerous cycle if we don’t design a long range plan in each Chapter of

Upward Mobility for our membership.
That is unless you have joined the “IGM Club”. (! Got Mine) As with the other committees, each Chapter would have a Regional Upward Mobility Committee, then a National Committee which would be chaired by the
National Upward Mobility Vice President appointed by the President.